Lingallery is a simple image gallery component for Vue.js. It displays a large image with thumbnails below as you can see in the demo. More features are coming soon.
Please note: Since Lingallery is at a very early development state you should probably not yet use it in a production project.
Check out the live demo here:
npm i lingallery
Here are some examples of how to use Lingallery in a .vue file component or inline.
Inline usage
You can use it inline:
<lingallery :width="600" :height="400" :items="[ {src: '', thumbnail: '', caption: 'Some Caption'}, {src: '', thumbnail: '', caption: 'Another Caption'}, {src: '', thumbnail: ''} ]"/>
Remember to register the component:
import Lingallery from 'lingallery'; Vue.component('lingallery', Lingallery); new Vue({ el: '#app' })
Usage in another component
Create a component Example.vue and add this:
<template> <lingallery :width="width" :height="height" :items="items"/> </template> <script> import Lingallery from 'lingallery'; export default { data() { return { width: 600, height: 400, items: [{ src: '', thumbnail: '', caption: 'Some Caption' }, { src: '', thumbnail: '' } ]}; }, components: { Lingallery } } </script>
Usage with Nuxt.js
Since Lingallery uses features that are available only in the browser make sure to start rendering the component in a hook that is not running on the server like mounted () or to use webpack-node-externals and whitelist Lingallery like so:
build: { extend (config, { isDev, isClient, isServer }) { if (isServer) { config.externals = [ nodeExternals({ whitelist: [/\.(?!(?:js|json)$).{1,5}$/i, /^lingallery/] }) ] } } }
Lingallery options
You can pass some props to adapt the behavior and looks of Lingallery.
Prop | Description | Default | Type |
width | Specifies the width of the main image area in pixels. | 600 | Number |
height | Specifies the height of the main image area in pixels. | 400 | Number |
responsive | Defines whether the image gallery should take up all available width space | false | Boolean |
startImage | Sets the index of the image the gallery should start with. | 0 | Number |
baseColor | Defines the base color (at the moment only for the thumbnail border color | #fff | String |
accentColor | Defines the accent color (at the moment only for the spinner and the active thumbnail border) | #3498db | String |
textColor | Defines the text color of the caption | #000 | String |
I needed a gallery that simply has a large image (without fancy lightbox features etc.) and some thumbnails below. Since I didn’t find any I decided to build my own. I am pretty new to Vue.js so please be gentle if you find any errors.