


Angluar.js top framework
AngularJS – a JavaScript framework – seem to have become all the rage on the web. In fact, it has become one of the most widely-used tool among developers, as it offers compelling features that help in building highly interactive websites aimed at delivering pleasant user experience. However, still a lot of individuals and developers alike seem to be baffled about using the AngularJS for their project needs because of several reasons.

The first and the most obvious concern that might prevent you from using the AngularJS framework could be the learning curve – that make you understand how to use the Angular JS framework – and best practices you need to follow when implementing your app. Secondly, since jQuery is used for a lot of projects, adopting some framework to do the task requires a lot of considerations and careful evaluation.

Each and every day I browse through the internet to find new useful scripts or CSS files which might make our lives easier when creating websites. The amount of different scripts and plugins out there is just tremendous and it becomes more and more difficult and confusing to actually know which ones to use in your project. In this blog post I will give you an overview over the most important and useful plugins and scripts (the list will be extended by time). In a second step I will then try to show you an example setup of plugins and scripts that you can use in your web project.

In this second part of my tutorial we will be building the CSS and JavaScript code and do the necessary steps for responsive webdesign to create this beautiful HTML5 responsive website. Be sure to have worked through the first part of the tutorial where we have built the basic HTML structure and included all necessary scripts. We have already included our CSS Reset in the last part of the tutorial. The Reset will take care…

In the vastness of the internet you can find a lot of useful online tools which can help you save tremendous development time.

1. Ceaser

Ceaser is a CSS Easing Animation Tool which can be used to create custom timing functions. For further informations about transitions and timing functions please read my blog post.

Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool

In den Weiten des Internets gibt es eine ganze Menge nützlicher Online-Tools zu entdecken, die Dir die Arbeit erleichtern und Dir helfen können enorm viel Zeit einzusparen.

1. Ceaser

Ceaser ist ein CSS-Easing Tool, mit dem Du Deine eigenen Zeitfunktionen für CSS Transitions erstellen kannst. Für weitere Informationen rund um Transitions und Zeitfunktionen, lies bitte meinen Blog-Beitrag.

Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool

When creating a website there are a lot of things you need to pay attention to. The code needs to be tidy and the website should look similar no matter what browser a visitor is using. If possible it should be responsive and react to the user’s device and screen resolution. When using new features like HTML5 and CSS3 you have to make sure all the features are supported in all browsers.

Fortunately there are a lot of very useful scripts out there which simplify your life when creating new web pages. The following list gives you an overview over some of the most important scripts and should help you create clean beautiful and cross-browser compatible websites.Wenn Du eine Webseite erstellt, gibt es eine Menge, worauf Du achten musst. Der Code sollte sauber programmiert und aufgeräumt sein und die Webseite sollte immer gleich aussehen – unabhängig davon, welchen Browser ein Besucher benutzt. Wenn möglich sollte die Seite responsive sein und sich an das Benutzergerät und die Bildschirmauflösung anpassen. Wenn neue Features wie CSS3 oder HTML5 genutzt werden, sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass diese Features nicht von allen Browsern unterstützt werden und daher Alternativlösungen gefunden werden müssen.

Glücklicherweise gibt es viele nützliche Skripts, die das Programmieren von Webseiten vereinfachen können. Die folgende Liste soll einen Überblick über einige der wichtigsten Skripts geben und Dir helfen, schöne, saubere und browserunabhängige Webseiten zu erstellen.