Lingallery – a simple image gallery component for Vue.js

Lingallery is a simple image gallery component for Vue.js. It displays a large image with thumbnails below as you can see in the demo. More features are coming soon.


Please note: Since Lingallery is at a very early development state you should probably not yet use it in a production project.


Check out the live demo here:


npm i lingallery


Here are some examples of how to use Lingallery in a .vue file component or inline.

Inline usage

You can use it inline:

<lingallery :width="600" :height="400" :items="[
    {src: '', thumbnail: '', caption: 'Some Caption'},
    {src: '', thumbnail: '', caption: 'Another Caption'},
    {src: '', thumbnail: ''}


Remember to register the component:

import Lingallery from 'lingallery';
Vue.component('lingallery', Lingallery);
new Vue({
  el: '#app'


Usage in another component

Create a component Example.vue and add this:

  <lingallery :width="width" :height="height" :items="items"/>
  import Lingallery from 'lingallery';
  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        width: 600,
        height: 400,
        items: [{
          src: '',
          thumbnail: '',
          caption: 'Some Caption'
          src: '',
          thumbnail: ''
    components: {


Usage with Nuxt.js

Since Lingallery uses features that are available only in the browser make sure to start rendering the component in a hook that is not running on the server like mounted () or to use webpack-node-externals and whitelist Lingallery like so:

build: {
  extend (config, { isDev, isClient, isServer }) {
    if (isServer) {
      config.externals = [
          whitelist: [/\.(?!(?:js|json)$).{1,5}$/i, /^lingallery/]


Lingallery options

You can pass some props to adapt the behavior and looks of Lingallery.

Prop Description Default Type
width Specifies the width of the main image area in pixels. 600 Number
height Specifies the height of the main image area in pixels. 400 Number
responsive Defines whether the image gallery should take up all available width space false Boolean
startImage Sets the index of the image the gallery should start with. 0 Number
baseColor Defines the base color (at the moment only for the thumbnail border color #fff String
accentColor Defines the accent color (at the moment only for the spinner and the active thumbnail border) #3498db String
textColor Defines the text color of the caption #000 String


I needed a gallery that simply has a large image (without fancy lightbox features etc.) and some thumbnails below. Since I didn’t find any I decided to build my own. I am pretty new to Vue.js so please be gentle if you find any errors.