
June 2013


In this second part of my tutorial we will be building the CSS and JavaScript code and do the necessary steps for responsive webdesign to create this beautiful HTML5 responsive website. Be sure to have worked through the first part of the tutorial where we have built the basic HTML structure and included all necessary scripts. We have already included our CSS Reset in the last part of the tutorial. The Reset will take care…

In PHP 4 error handling in functions and methods was returned by the return command. Let´s say we would like to connect to a database via MySQLi inside a method or function. If the connection fails an error message and the error code should be displayed. In PHP 4 the error handling would have looked like this: function connect_to_mysql() {$mysqli = @new mysqli(‘localhost’, ‘username’, ‘password’, ‘db_name’); if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { return false;} return true;} To find…