The internet has brought as many wonderful things. It’s brought us the ability to speak with people hundreds of miles away as though they’re sitting right next to us. It’s brought us live news and weather updates and emails. It’s brought us the marvel that is social media, with more and more people signing up to different sites every single day. However, one of the most popular places to visit on the internet remains one…

When you’re under pressure to meet a deadline, it can feel like your work suffers at times — especially when it comes to building stand-out designs. You may not focus on your attention to detail as much, or you may adopt more familiar methods to simply get the work finished. No one will argue this isn’t necessary sometimes, as it comes with the territory. Freelancers often have to push the boundaries in terms of what…

Required knowledge level: intermediate

Please note: This tutorial is still in construction and has not been finished yet. You can however already start reading and come back later again.

If you are a reader of this blog you will surely have read my previous tutorial on how to build an adaptive HTML 5 website. In the previous tutorial we created a website from scratch and we did it the manual way without the use of any framework or grid system. Personally I think it is very important to first learn how to code a website all by your self without using a framework which will take care of many things for you. So be sure to first read through my previous tutorial before continuing here.

Developers need to invest in customer service just as any other business or niche needs to. Without it, you cannot provide great service to your clients. There are also far too many chances for what they are looking for to be miscommunicated. In fact, calls are the best way you can have a long one-on-one conversation with your client so that you can work out what they need. Far too many businesses think they know…